Posted in Art and Artists, Assignment 2, Assignments, Coursework, Part 2, Research & Reflection

Research: Cabbages and art

I started setting up to do a still life with a cabbage as part of the assignment work. This is based on a pointed cabbage we picked up. (Now eaten, but I’ve still got photographs.)

IMG_5652 (Edited)
Sketchbook cabbage

As an investigation around this, however, I decided to have a look around at how different artists had treated still life images including a cabbage. It turns out it is a fairly rich field, as a quick Google search and following on from it revealed.

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Posted in Art and Artists, Research & Reflection

Net Anthology and Street View

A slight aside, but one of the criteria for the course involves showing an understanding of the contemporary context of Art. To try to help get up to speed on the current art scene I’ve been subscribing to various Art-based newsletters. One of these pointed me to the Net Art Anthology. This lists various art projects on the internet, and has some interesting concepts in the mix.

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Posted in Assignment 2, Assignments, Coursework, Part 2, Sketchbook

Project 1: Composition

This has been a fairly long winded Project in its own way. I previously commented on my composition research, which I have been combining with some experiments in different media. I’m beginning to think more when building a composition – which I suppose is a level of success.

The next step, I think, is to move on to the other exercises and apply this new experimenting with media and composition to them. Its likely to be an interesting journey, as I have a lot of new things to think about.

Within the media, the water colour wax crayons have worked OK – but the oil pastels are too crude. They would be best for very large format drawings, or I need to find a way to provide more subtlety in their use. The blending of colour “in situ,” rather than on a palette, is also proving quite a challenge for me – but one I need as however many colours I have available I’ll never have everything I’d like.

Posted in Art and Artists, Exhibitions & Books

Art being viewed…

One of the influences that I have is a regular supply of images and works from the Internet. Some of these come through Twitter (See, others from new articles and so forth. Most of these will go unrecorded, and float through. Some of these end up referenced in blogs and considered more formally – and a very few will end up printed and considered in my physical sketchbooks. I view and collect far more material, however, than I would ever write up in any formal way. I have, therefore, decided to acknowledge and comment on a small proportion of it. This is, in effect, an electronic extension of my physical sketchbook for recording the art I view and my thoughts on it.

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