Tracey Emin (1963-)

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Who was she to me?

In some ways I have a relationship to Tracey Emin’s work as Jackson Pollock’s – OK maybe not quite as badly. I’m told that she is a significant Artist, and feel that I should “get it” but don’t really. Possibly that should have a “yet”.

Interesting work

I’ve got to start with “My Bed”:

My Bed 1998, © Tracey Emin 

This is possibly one of her most famous works, and is much discussed. Apparently, despite the title it wasn’t in fact her bed, but carefully constructed. If I’m honest I miss the point, so I did some research on why other people value her work.

The following was enlightening:

Something that is guaranteed to make me like a piece of work is when theres something genuine and moving about it. Tracey Emin to me is the queen of making work that is honest and compelling.

URL Viewed 29/11/2018

The following quote from the artist is also of relevant:

There is no shock or offence intended. They were made for me, trying to deal with something that is going on in my mind. And that’s the beautiful thing about drawing: it’s intimate, like handwriting, and the dialogue is between the paper and me. 

Tracey Emin, from Ghosts of my past. URL Viewed 29/11/2018

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